Eden Valley Institute Of Wellness
2025 Summer CSA Agreement
9325 World Mission Drive
Loveland CO 80538
CSA Details:
Farming is an unpredictable business. In joining our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program you are collaborating with us in assuming the possible risks associated with growing (drought, pests, and other factors) as well as the benefits (bountiful harvests, building relationships, supporting local businesses). At Eden Valley Wellness Institute Farm, we make every effort to grow a wide variety of crops, provide weather protection and control pest damage to minimize the impact of any crop failures that we may experience.
It is our goal to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your CSA experience so we can continue to serve you for years to come!
Our Summer 2025 CSA is a 23 week program which begins in May.
We have two types of CSA shares available: a Traditional-style CSA share and a Market-style CSA Share which works like a gift certificate.
Market-style members: You can come to market to use as much of your credit as you want or order from our website. There is no rollover of unused credit to the next season. If you choose this option, please be sure to budget your balance or use much of it during the peak of the season.
Additional credit can also be purchased if you run out mid-season!
Growing Practices:
We are not an organic farm, but we consider our farming methods to be “beyond organic.” We grow without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. We manage our pest pressure by utilizing crop rotation, floating row covers and manual removal methods.
We strive to offer the freshest, most tasty, quality produce available and to provide a wide variety of produce in each box.
By agreeing to join our CSA, you are also agreeing to open and read email or text communications from us. These communications may contain information such as: your account balance, newsletters, significant changes, or announcements. We ask that you read these emails in a timely manner to keep informed of any changes that may occur.
We will do our best to reply to any correspondence in a timely manner.
Rules and Procedures:
Observe the designated pickup times and locations. Please be mindful and respectful of the pickup hosts. We ask that you do not coordinate pickups outside the designated time or location as we cannot guarantee the produce quality and it creates more work for our hosts. We are not responsible for anything that happens to your box after pickup times.
Sign out your share at pickup. Do not take a box if your name is not on the list, but instead, contact us to find a solution or understand why you do not see your name.
If your share is not picked up at the designated time, we will give you a courtesy reminder call or text. All unclaimed shares will be donated to a local, needy family or food program. Eden Valley Farm will not compensate you for unclaimed shares.
Please bring your own bag or box to the pickup location. We will no longer be sending reusable totes home with CSA members each week.
If you are not available to pick up your share on a specific week, we encourage you to ask a friend or family member to pick it up in your stead. Please make sure they know the basics of picking up a box (time, location, checking your name off list, etc.)
Cancellation Policy and Vacation Holds:
We understand that sometimes life events can throw us for a loop. If you are unable to complete the CSA program because you are moving, have a family emergency, or any other unforeseen circumstance, please contact us and we can discuss the possibility of issuing a refund for the remainder of the season (a cancellation fee may apply).
Every CSA member can place their box delivery on hold for a maximum of 2 weeks throughout the season if they are unavailable to pick up. Requests can be placed by emailing or calling the farm and must be received two days prior to delivery to be honored.
When you schedule a vacation hold you may choose one of three options:
1. To have your box donated to a local charity.
2. To receive a double box on another week of your choice
3. To forfeit that week’s box
No vacation holds will be accepted after September 15th.
Please note: Vacation holds apply to Traditional-style shares only. If Market-style members do not wish to receive a box on a given week, simply do not place an order for that week.
When no one can pick up my box?
Call or text 970-214-4669 you may choose one of two options:
1- to have your box donated to a local charity
2- to forfeit that week's box